What delight to find a post where so many favorites of mine are mentioned-—Buechner, Ted Lasso, Stanley Tucci (that zucchini pasta!), The Hunt for Red October on a motel TV, and the practice of paying attention. Like coming home. Thank you!

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Thank you, Julie, how fun to find another kindred spirit who shares my ardor for The Tooch and the serendipity of motel television. WELCOME to This Numinous World. We're so glad you're here.

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You paid so much attention that you really made me feel a part of this reunion, with all its sights and smells and wonders.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Cathleen Falsani

Thank you. I was almost in tears when I finished reading this. Life is to be lived and experienced with those you love.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Cathleen Falsani

As today went on, I kept being reminded of Father Butter's words of "Pay Attention". We all need that reminder at times, don't we? On a different level, often times when I am outside just taking in the visual spectacles around me, something will catch my eye. I describe those moments as nature making me pay attention, making me look twice.

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Love this, Steve. Thank you for it.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Cathleen Falsani

Beautifully woven story, Cath! I enjoyed meandering with you and Nell and the Lenten message to Pay Attention!

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Thank you, Mother Christina! xo

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Cathleen Falsani

I can't say it any better than Kelley Weber.

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Thanks, Steve. 🕊

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Very well written.

Not sure why you would be prejudiced towards someone wearing a MAGA hat, versus a biden hat. We're all God's children and eventually will find our way.

Why do we as people focus on the negatives, differences and/or other practices that create divisions? It would seem that the dark one would strategize to create disharmony among mankind leading to wars and other unconscionable acts, no?

Perhaps we should pay attention and focus on what we all want and need: good health, happiness, safety, decency, virtue, love and the practice of the golden rule...but hey I'm just a guy from the Chicago area, what do I know.

Keep up the hard work Kathleen and God Bless!

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Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Thanks for taking me on the road trip with Nell. Felt like I was with you in it all. ❤️

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Thank you, honey. xoxo

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Cathleen Falsani

Thank you. I definitely paid attention and will try to continue that in all ways.

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